
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Happy Holidays

We are taking the rest of the year off from projects and blogging. We hope that you have a wonderful holiday season with your family, and we thank you for following along with us the past two years. We will be back in 2014 to share some more projects with you.

These amazing photos were taken by my friend, Michelle. Please check out her Facebook page at Michelle Albright Photography.  We are definitely looking forward to celebrating Christmas this year with two more little people. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Framed Holiday Art

I found some lovely paper printables on Hostess With The Mostess last year and printed them off.  I did not have a plan to use them then, but I decided that this Christmas I would have a great reason to use them.

I then took some gold and silver vinyl and cut out some holiday shapes on my Silhouette Cameo. I then just added the cut out to the scrapbook paper printables.

Then I framed them and put them up in my living room for easy decorating. 



Thanks so much for stopping by today! I hope you are having fun decorating your home for the holidays.

Monday, December 9, 2013

DIY Holiday Gift Wrap

I have seen some great ideas for some DIY wrapping paper on Pinterest over the years. I took some Sharpie paint pens and some brown packaging paper and created some designs of my own.

Wynn has been very nice this year as you can see. I thought this was a fun way to make some wrapping paper and not have to worry about a tag as well. The little bow will make it easy for Wynn to unwrap it.

Here is the second type of wrapping paper I made using the same supplies as the first example above.
I just used the markers to create a festive chevron pattern and a song lyric. It was a lot of fun to create my own wrapping paper decoration with the Dollar Tree packaging paper. This paper is a lot more sturdy than the every day wrapping paper too, and I like that it does not easily tear.  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wish List Ornament

Wynn has been reeling off items she wants for Christmas for months. I thought it would be cute to commemorate what she asks for each year on an ornament for her own tree that she has to decorate herself.  With the new additions to the family I thought we could create ornaments for them as well for their first Christmas.

I used acrylic paint, wooden tags from Michaels, paint Sharpies and a paint brush.
I painted the wooden tags, and then used the paint sharpies to write the Christmas lists on the tags.  These are not fancy by any means, but I think it will be cute to go back over the years to remember the most wanted gifts. 
Here is how the ornaments turned out. I cannot wait to see them on the tree that Wynn decorates each year.

I obviously could not fit all of Wynn's list on the ornament, however, these are the top four most mentioned gifts she would like to receive from Santa.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you like this quick and easy project.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas Mantel & Other Holiday Decor

Here is my simple and sweet Christmas mantel. Given that I have limited time on my hands I knew I had to put together a mantel that would require little work on my part. I took my recently created cabinet door chalkboard and created a sign.

I also took my glass outdoor lantern I scored at Lowe's on clearance at the end of the summer for $7 and filled it with silver and gold ball ornaments. I placed a larger tree on the opposite side that scored from Marshalls a few years ago. 

 For the sign I took a candle wreath I purchased last year on clearance at Michaels for less than a dollar and made it the "O" in Joy.

Just nearby under my television I added some more holiday decor pretty quickly as well. It is nice now to be able to pull some things out of bins that I can use each year instead of shopping for new decorations.  I took a few pictures of this space to share with you as well.

I hope you are enjoying your holiday season. Thanks so much for stopping by!