
Thursday, January 19, 2017

A New Year - Inspiration for our To Do List

Hi All! Long time no blog.  :)  Well as you can imagine four kiddos and two full time jobs have sort of taken over. If you follow me on Instagram you can see what we are up to in our daily lives. We are still doing lots of little crafts with the kids, and trying to plan projects for the house this year.  

The main project that Rob will be tackling at the first sign of spring here in Maryland will be a shed. Oh the shed we wanted to do last year, but our lovely county took almost four months to give us the appropriate permit to build a shed. This shed is not having an electrical, but they apparently found some interesting items on our plat and wanted to make sure we built it in the perfect location...which was the original location we requested. We would like to go with this type of window, and obviously ours is going to house the lawn tractor, and it will not look like this on the inside. Here is our inspiration for the shed:

The Handmade Home shared this amazing playhouse, and I am hoping that it goes on the wish list once the shed is done. This will go in the same general area of our yard. All four kiddos will be able to enjoy the outside even more this summer.  They have asked for a clubhouse of sorts, and this is a great compromise.

Rob was walking around last weekend complaining that he just wanted to build something. That's when we started making our hopeful to do list for 2017. Wynn would love to have a loft bed, and that would help free up some much needed space in her room. She has a few pieces of furniture and a full bed. She is in our smallest bedroom, and there is a lot more times nowadays that she plays in her room. Right now the space is too tight to set up all those Shopkins, Calico Critters and other tiny toys.  Our inspiration bed was one of the projects by Ana White located here.

These are the three big projects for our household this year, and here is hoping that we can actually cross all of them off the to do list.  Cannot believe the month is already half way over. We need to get started on these soon and by we I mean Rob. :)

Thanks for stopping by!