
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award

We are so happy that the four sisters at Bringing Beauty have awarded our little blog the Versatile Blogger Award. 

We are newbies to the Blog world and are excited to meet more friends and expand our blog knowledge in the future. 

Since we have been nominated it is our turn to pass the honor to fifteen blogs that we love to follow.  In no particular order here they are...

Now we have to share seven random things about ourselves...

1. We are a family blog - Rob and Chris are brothers that are married to Megan and Amy

2. We live ten minutes apart so we share tools and materials....any anything else.

3. We all love sports.  Amy dominates most of all the bowl and basketball pools we particpate in.

4. Before this blog our husbands even though we love them would always complete their projects until about 90% of it was done and move on to the next one. Now that we have a blog and needed final product pictures they are completing them 100%  :)

5. Megan & Rob's daughter is named Wynn because Rob is competitive and loves to Wynn. If they had a boy instead it would have been Ty.  No losers in the Vaughn

6. Both Rob and Chris have both coached their high school basketball team since graduation.  Chris is still the coach there.

7. Amy is a nurse in the PACU at a local hospital (hopefully I used the write medical acronym) 

Thanks again for the nomination by the ladies from Bringing Beauty ~Dana, Ashley, Alison and Tara

If you were nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award please follow these rules:

1. Thank the person that gave you the award in a blog post.

2. Include a link to their blog in your post.

3. Pass the award on to 15 bloggers you follow

4. Include 7 random things about yourself in your post
5. Notify your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog


  1. Thank you My Pinteresting Family for nominating me and for being one of my earliest followers. This is a true honor and one I will definitely pass on.

  2. Thanks so much! I am so enjoying seeing all your projects and getting to know all of you! Sounds like you all are having such fun together!

  3. Interesting blog..thanks for stopping by!

  4. Thanks for passing the award onto me! Great to get to know you guys better. :)

  5. Hey guys! Nice stopping by to visit with you! I have enjoyed perusing many of your posts. You have so much to see and learn here :)

    Kindly, Lorraine

  6. Congrats, guys! And YAY nurses! :) Yes, Megan, PACU is right ;)


We appreciate you stopping by! We love to read every comment on here. :)