
Friday, June 1, 2012

Budget Friendly Linen Closet Makeover

I am someone who loves to be organized, but over the past few months our linen closet has become a mess. Our two year old loves to reach in to get her own band-aids now, and that means that everything is thrown everywhere.  I was beginning to worry that her access to items I may not want her to reach was becoming to easy for her.  

I decided that I had some materials around the house that I could use to update it. I only had to purchase two items for this project.  Here is the mess before...cringe!

The builder of our home some twenty years ago installed this shelves with molding to hold them in place. I figured they've worked well so far, and to save money I decided not replace them. However, the closet was in need of a good coat of paint. I found a free quart of white paint that I received in the mail.  I was going to do a color but I thought I might as well take advantage of free materials since they were available.

It definitely looked brighter after the first coat.

I used baskets and storage bins that previously served no purpose in our house. They have been sitting in the basement for a while now.  I also switched up the position of the towels for two reasons. The pile won't fall on head of everyone who tries to reach up to the top shelf. Also, now Wynn has only access to towels at her height instead of products she should not be allowed to get into to.  

The only items I purchased were the two collapsible Rubbermaid hampers at the bottom. They ended up fitting perfectly. Prior to this our toilet paper just sat in the giant BJ's Club size packaging, and I thought it always looked ugly. Therefore, I put all of the toilet paper in one of these hampers.  I haven't decided what I will use the other one for, but I am sure I will come up with something.

Total Cost: $27.08 for the two Rubbermaid Hampers from Amazon

Thanks so much for stopping by!



  1. Wow. In the picture, I assumed the before closet was white, until you painted it. That itself did wonders. Then, I can't believe how well you organized your space. It looks great. I'd want to walk by there and just stare in on what a good job I've done :). So where did the band-aids go in your super organized linen closet?

    1. I had to check in. I haven't seen a new post in a while. Geez, it's like you have a life outside of blogging or something :). Just wanted to let you know, you are missed!

  2. I bet you just smile every time you open that door! Pretty and organized - what could be better!

  3. Wow. What an improvement! I always feel so much for functional when things are in order around me. And to be able to put things in order with only 2 purchases, Awesome!!!

  4. Is it not just amazing what Baskets can do! Your closet looks so nice now!! Great job!

  5. Great job I really like how it turned out.

  6. Nice work! My closet needs a complete overhaul...going to have to use some of these tips! Thank you :)

  7. Came over from nifty thrift sunday to see your close redo (i desperately need ideas for my storage closet.) I like the baskets and your use of what you already had in the house. Plu, mMy daughter is named Wynne. :)

  8. Great job...looks nice! I love your use of baskets & mainly items you already had (I'm TRYING hard to do the same these days!!). Blessings!

  9. Looks great! Those storage baskets made a big difference in making everything fit nicely!

  10. That looks awesome!! I need to redo a few closets over here...

    I nominated you for the Sunshine Award--here are the details...


  11. Oh my goodness, like night and day! Thanks my linen closet currently looks like a war zone so I need a little kick in the butt...errr I mean inspiration!

  12. Awesome. I keep my TP in the package too and I hate it! Lol. I need one of these for my closet now. :) Thanks for sharing at my Pinteresting Party this week.

  13. Looks great! I need some inspiration for low cost organizing. I have quite a bit of organizing I need to do in July and August. Thanks for the ideas!

  14. It looks great painted and all organized! And so much more functional!

  15. Looks great! I love how you used things you already had. If you like me, it won't be long until your empty bin is filled up. Thanks for sharing at Terrific Tuesdays.

  16. Well done! I love to use baskets/bins to organize!
    Jessica @

  17. Looooove this! I'm featuring it on my blog tonight! Thanks for linking up to Classy Clutter.

    Mallory @ Classy Clutter

  18. Now you can even keep that door wide open! I love the storage baskets! It looks great!

  19. Oh I am definately doing this makeover, I looked in my linen closet yesterday and was like WOW!! Love the baskets, it looks awesome, thanks for coming over to my blog, and leaving such a wonderful comment.

  20. Love how it all came together and those Rubbermaid hampers match perfectly! Thanks so much for sharing at Toot Your Horn Tuesday :)

  21. Sigh, this makes me long for a linen closet. Surprisingly, we don't have one. Thanks for sharing on Tout It Tuesday!

  22. Great job!! Wanna come do my closets next? ha,ha. Thanks for sharing with us at Link It Up Thursday.

  23. Come do mine!! LOL.....Mine looks a bit worse then yours did to begin I need to get busy.

  24. Love to be organized! Great post! Thank you for linking up to Unveil Your Genius link party last week! I hope to see you again this week! :)


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