
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Gossip Table Transformed

Our neighbor has once again given us a great project to work on.  He was responsible for the iron piece in our pallet table.  Now the other day he saw us outside and asked if we wanted his grandmother's table. Apparently this table sat in her dining room for quite some time, and then had been in his basement for a number of years.  The pictures were taken with my phone so they are a little dark.  It was essentially a dark yellow table before.
 The best part of this table is that it is a telephone table and the chair pulls out. How cute is this?  
Rob stripped and sanded down all the old paint that was chipping, and then wiped it down with some mineral spirits.  
We wanted to put this in a room that already has gray colored furniture, so we were able to reuse paint we already had.  This saved some money, and it turned out great. The color is by Valspar and the name is Woodlawn Colonial Gray. Here is the chair seat painted after the first coat.
Rob gave the top of the table at coat of stain, and painted the legs of it to match the chair section.  It took several coats of paint and a lot of hand sanding it between to get good coverage over the dark wood.
This entire project was free because we used a free table and leftover paint & stain. Here is the final product:

 It can even be a laptop desk instead of telephone table now. 
Or you can leave it put together and have it as an occasional table or night stand.
It's going to go perfectly in the room near this cute table I snagged at the Tag Sale done by Elizabeth and Co. the other day. This was the table I got at their sale:

Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your evening.


We enjoy linking up to the following parties:


  1. Are you kidding me? First you have the best neighbors. Second, that table is amazing. Third you finished that beautifully. Do not show you neighbors, they'll want it back :)

  2. You guys do good work with your furniture makeovers! Using it as a laptop desks seems perfect since telephones that stay put aren't exactly a hot commodity. We gossip via computer in the 21st century. ;)

  3. Man alive, can I get your neighbors as my own!!! Gosh, next up he is going to allow you to order up anything from his house that you want! Oh yeah, you did an AMAZING job on it. Love the two tone color. And love the way the chair swings in to create a table. Why can't I get neighbors like that, Boo!Hoo! (huff! huff! huff!)

  4. What a great makeover! You all did a fantastic job on this piece and I love how versatile it is. :-)

  5. That piece really is so unique! I have never seen anything like it. Rob did a beautiful job! ... And that sewing cabinet looks great as a bedside table. So nice to see you again Megan!

  6. It's beautiful! You did a great job

  7. Oh my goodness this is great! I want to get my hands on one of those Gossip Chairs! They are so fun!! You guys did a great job with this!

  8. What a cute set!! You guys did an amazing job!! I love the two tones you gave it!!

  9. Came over from Nifty Thrifty. I have never seen a gossip table like this one. I am in love. The gray with the wood-stained top is beautiful. Does your neighbor want it back now? (I actually had that happen to me once!)

    Distressed Donna Down Home

  10. Love this table!Love the top!Wonderful job:)

  11. That is the cutest table ever! Y'all did a good job on it :-)

  12. I love your redo! You are some creative folks, impressive ;) Have an awesome week, hugs


  13. I wish my neighbors had great stuff they wanted to share. You guys are SO creative! I'm wishing YA'LL were my neighbors so I could learn to do what you do!

  14. I've seen many gossip tables but never one that pulls out like this one. I wish your neighbor was mine cause he sure is good to you! The table really turned out so pretty, and love how her front details stand out now. It's so functional, chair to table to gossip. Very creative couple you are! My fingers are crossed you'll share with Sunday's Best tonight - too darn pretty not too!

  15. I was tickled pink your shared this - it really is to cute! So wish I had one, so if your neighbor gives you another one, save it for me! So glad you shared your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – your creativity helped make the party a success!

  16. What a cute little set. I love how you can use it together or as two separate pieces. Nice makeover!

  17. What a great idea! So cute...

  18. This is just the cutest little table/chair set I think I've ever seen. You did a great job on the makeover. :) Thanks so much for sharing on Marvelous Mondays. :)


  19. That table is awesome! Such nice neighbors! I love that the chair can fold in.. I am going to be on the hunt for something similar! I am so glad I found your blog and am your newest follower! If you ever have time come check out mine!


  20. Ahhh! I see, it took me a few looks to understand how it works but now I see how the chair part folds out. Very cool! Great make over. Thanks for sharing at Etcetorize this week!

  21. This is so awesome!! I want on for my house :)

  22. Oh wow! My mom was just telling my girls how she had a table like this in her house when she was little. I'll have to show it to them. Nice transformation!

  23. Wow Megan! You did a fabulous job of breathing new life into that lovely little table and chair! It looks fabulous in white! Amazing! Angie xo

  24. You did a wonderful restoration of this "Gossip Table." I've never seen one of these before, but I find the concept and the name fascinating. Thanks for sharing this. Gail (

  25. OMG! I think my grandma might have had one of these! Now I have to see if I can find it and make it look fabulous like yours! :)

  26. That is soooo cute. I've never seen one like that. I love those old "gossip" chairs =)

  27. Just about every home had a version of this when I was a little girl....that would be in the 40's and 50's! :) I am a Pintrest addict and new follower on GFC. Patsy

  28. great job on this furniture makeover!!!

  29. This is such an original piece!! Gosh I would love to put my hands on one of those!! You did such a beautiful job!

    Thanks for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!!

  30. I LOVE unique pieces like this! You did a great job on the makeover! Thanks for sharing at Terrific Tuesdays.

  31. The table looks great!! Thanks for sharing at Romance on a dime's TIOT party!!

  32. Best computer table EVER! I am going to be on the lookout for one of those, although I've never seen one that folds in before! It turned out fabulous and you have awesome neighbors!


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