
Monday, August 26, 2013

Little Tikes Coupe Redo

Wynn has been asking for a Little Tikes coupe in the police officer version for months now. I figured I could find a car either on Craigslist or a yard sale. The police officer version is not as popular, so I figured after seeing a few examples on Pinterest I could change a classic version to one for her.

I happened to find this one at a kids consignment sale this weekend for $4. It needed a major cleaning, so Wynn gave it a good wash on Saturday afternoon. During nap time Rob gave it an additional cleaning and then used the Valspar Plastic Spray Paint to cover the car. It took one can of black and then a leftover can of tan we had from a previous project. It was nice that we already had the plastic spray paint on hand. 

I cut out some lettering and a police star on my Silhouette and added them to the car once it had around 24 hours or so to dry.

Wynn was very excited about her car. I was excited that I did not have to spend $60 on  a new one and assemble it. We both won on this project. Total cost for me on this project was $4 because I had already purchased the spray paint for previous projects.

Monday Funday Party
Skip To My Lou
Thrifty Decor Chick

Elizabeth & Co
The DIY Dreamer
Not Just a Housewife

Creative Link Party
We Like To Learn As We Go

A Glimpse Inside


  1. OMG love it!!! so creative and special! wynn, ty, and davis will love it for a long time!

  2. I always think these coupe redos are so cute! This one is no exception, love that it has a fun vintage vibe to it!

  3. $4 I am so jealous!!! That is awesome yay for both of you. great job, the old vinyl cutter comes in so handy!!

  4. Watch out twins, there is a new sheriff in tow :)

  5. this is SO cool! we have been given a red/yellow one from a friends of ours, but it is faded. This looks like an awesome project!

  6. This is beyond creative, Megan! It "almost" makes me want another little one. Maybe I'll just pin it for my someday grandkids instead!

  7. Love it, Megan! So completely creative...obviously you're not experiencing "pregnancy brain!"

  8. How clever!! Any little kiddo would love riding along in this thing. Wynn is one lucky gal.

  9. This is just too cute for words! I love it. You need a little blue light on the roof.. that would be hilarious!

  10. This is adorable! I bet your little one was so excited! How fun!~~Angela

  11. WOW - what a fun transformation!! =) Happy Tuesday!


  12. Oh my gosh I love this! My little guy would freak if I redid a car for him. Especially a police car. Fabulous project Megan! Pinned it :)

  13. I love this car redo. My husband is a police man so we might be doing this someday!

  14. Well that's the cutest thing!!!
    Looks like a British police car witth the black paint!
    Great score for 4.00
    You'll need to find another one now - for when this gets passed down to the boys lol

  15. So cute! I love that she gave it a washing herself and then your husband did a once over while she was napping!

  16. cute! my in-laws actually found one of the police car ones at a yard sale so no redos in my future but yours turned out great!

  17. Oh my, that is so cool! I bet my niece and nephew would love it. :)

  18. Adorable! This is awesome and I bet it's a huge hit!

  19. This is soooo cute, Megan! She must be thrilled!

  20. OMGosh! That turned out awesome!!! Pinning to the Monday Funday pin board! Thanks for sharing it!

  21. LOVE IT!!!!! Would you believe I bough the Little Tikes Police Coupe last Christmas for my nephew!! If I would have known I could have updated the one we had.. I would have saved a nice amount of $! hehehe

  22. What a great idea! My boys would love if I did this to theirs. Stopping by from weekend-wonders.

  23. This is a great makeover! It's such a better deal to buy a used one and make it your own instead of buying the new ones. I just couldn't shell out the 60 bucks for a new one!
    I'm stopping by from Link Party Palooza (#402 Open Concept and 408 Pumpkin Crock Pot Oatmeal) Have a great weekend!

  24. Oh my gosh! That is so cute. It really gets me thinking about painting various used kids toys for a new life... especially the plastic outdoor toys that get so faded.

  25. Hi Megan! I featured this tonight at the Get Your DIY On: Spray Paint Challenge - hop over to the happy housie to get your button! And bring along a chalkboard project or two if you have any - that is this week's theme!! Would love to have you back:)

  26. I love this! We also got a cozy coupe for cheap at a garage sale, but I never bothered to decorate it. I can only imagine the creative play a kid can get out of this, and all for a few dollars of spray paint! Great job!


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