
Friday, September 13, 2013

Freezer Meals Round Up

Knowing that our home is about to be a little more chaotic I figured it would be a great time to stock up on some freezer meal recipes. I did not do this at all when Wynn was born, but this time around Rob will be gone a lot this winter coaching basketball. This also means that my DIY to do list will have to remain just a list until spring comes.  Here are some of the recipes I have literally thrown together and put in the freezer so far.  I'm looking forward to trying when the time comes. 

Please go to the direct link below each image to Pin these recipes. Thank you!!

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day! I was so happy to make these, and hopefully since they can be eaten with one hand that means I'll eat when I am on maternity leave. These are actually pretty healthy too. Rob added Old Bay Seasoning to some of them just to give it a try. According to Rob, Old Bay Seasoning goes with everything!

I doubled this recipe so we could try it the day I made it for the freezer meals. I used ground turkey, and the cooking time was almost cut in half. It was one of maybe two meals I had to cook something before hand since it's not a crock pot meal. But it was definitely worth the effort and the glaze is delicious! 

I also ended up doubling this recipe and having it for dinner last week, and freezing the other half. It turned out great, and the rice was a great alternative to a tortilla or a taco shell for once.

I made five of these recipes as well. I'm excited to try out her sesame chicken recipe. That is one of my favorite dishes to get at a restaurant.

I created five meals from this list in a half an hour! I thought that it was super quick, and I'm excited to try some of these recipes out.  I really like that they involve the slow cooker too.

This is a really easy chicken parmesan recipe to put in your freezer meal stash.  These ladies also provide a lot of helpful tips and a ton of recipes on this page of their blog: Healthy Freezer Meals by Thriving Home Blog

Do you have a favorite freezer meal idea? I'd love to hear about it. I'm ready to add a few more to the little space I have left in my two freezers.


  1. I LOVE freezer meals! They save so much money.. I really should get some around again. I really like them in the winter time :) Pinned it.

  2. Oh Megan, you're so well prepared! This is something I really
    need to do, I'm so bad at cooking :(

  3. I'm a big fan of freezer meals and crockpot meals! Pinning this to go through when I make my shopping list. You are so smart to do all of this ahead of time! You'll have more time to enjoy the babies and Wynn and hopefully rest a little!

  4. This is great Megan!! I have never done this before but I am so busy that I think I'm going to give it a try. Thanks so much for doing this! Hope all is well sweet friend!!

  5. Yummy looking round up, Megan! I am definitely going to try those meatballs. Thanks for sharing! :)

  6. My goodness, you have been busy nesting. I am impressed with your organization and forethought, even when it comes to meal preparation. These recipes look delicious. And, I love that they all seem fairly easy to make. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your blog! Keep up the great work ♡

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  8. I should really do this, I am sure it would make my life much easier. Maybe when it is cold outside and I am stuck inside. Hope you had a great weekend ~ Lisa

  9. Far out you are organised, I didn't even do this when I was pregnant ith Max...but should've!! Well done little mumma you are doing so well!

  10. This is a great round up! I need to get more organized and get some meals prepped in our freezer :) Thanks for the motivation!!

  11. Hi Megan, I'm impressed. You make it look so easy to do. I love that Chicken Parmesan dish.

  12. Hi Megan! I am going to try that meatball dish. Sounds like a nice spinoff from the usual. Thanks for the roundup!


  13. great round up, megan! i am a horrible freezer meal planner... you are inspiring!

  14. Thanks for this. I so need to get back into the swing of cooking... if I have the food in the freezer ready to go, I'll be all set. Terrific! Linda

  15. Thanks for linking to our Chicken Parmesan recipe. I'm so glad you liked it. That's an oldie but a goodie around here. We're always encouraged to hear of our recipes helping other people! - Rachel from Thriving Home

  16. Thanks for linking to my freezer meal entry! I hope you enjoy the meals that we far we've loved all of ours, though we haven't made it to the sesame chicken yet :-)

    Congrats on the impending arrival of your little one!

  17. These all look so good and will come in really handy when you have your hands full!


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