
Monday, November 4, 2013

Newborn Photo Props from Etsy

As soon as I found out that we were having boys I began collecting some items for their newborn pictures. We had beautiful newborn pictures for Wynn done, and I was looking forward to taking some pictures for the boys when they are born. 

I wanted to share the items that either myself or photographer purchased for the picture session from Etsy. I love to support Etsy sellers, and their work is amazing. I am so glad to find such amazing handmade items.

Hopefully we can get to use most of these items because I know most of the time it is hard to predict how the newborn session will go.

I found a few different colors of cheesecloth to wrap the boys up in.  I have been watching videos on how to get them wrapped just right.
I bought two of these adorable hats.  The wooden buttons were just too cute for me to pass up.  One is an oatmeal color and the other is this gray color below.

Little Bird Bands
This hat is even more cute in person. I figured we might as well get some holiday pictures while we were around there too. That will save this family of five another trip.

This little diaper cover will be the perfect addition to the Christmas hat above. I made sure I purchased two to do a cute holiday photo.
I could not resist this adorable little hat with the cute little star either. It is so hard to stop buying things on Etsy for little newborns. 
I purchased two of these diaper covers for a few of the hats I purchased. It is made of some super soft yarn, and I know the boys will be comfy in these.
Then I was introduced to this amazing Etsy seller, and could not pass up this little number. The creator suggested that we out the pants on one of the boys and the hat on the other. What a great idea! It's definitely a cost effective way to dress twins.
We found this sweet little bed unfinished on Etsy, and I was able to get this painted last week in a flat white. It came in only a few days. I could not believe how quickly it shipped. They have lots of great products in their Etsy store.
A Crafters Nook
How cute is this quilt? The photographer purchased this for her newborn prop collection. I am excited to see if we can use it.


Hope you enjoyed the goodies from Etsy that I shared.  All of these items are well made and the Etsy sellers were so amazing to work with. I highly recommend all of them.  Thank you for stopping by!  Hopefully I will have some of the actual pictures to share with you all soon.


  1. I have a feeling, after I see pictures of the boys in all these adorable handmade things you bought for them, I'm going to want to have another baby :).

  2. Cuteness overload! I love the idea of one in hats and the other in bottoms

  3. Etsy will be the death of me. I am sure of it! Thankfully my photographer has a ton of awesome props herself or I would be going crazy buying all that adorable stuff!

  4. Way too cute! Can't wait to meet the boys and see them all decked out!

  5. Oh, I can't wait to see the pictures of the boys! Everything is so cute!

  6. WOW! I am impressed how together you have it all. Taking newborn pictures was the last thing on my mind before my twins were born. Which btw we never did do a professional picture.
    I like the hat and diaper cover idea with each boy wearing only one piece. I can't wait to see these boys. And some cute pictures.

  7. Hey girly .. I saw your blog over at a friends blog. I had seen it before and thought LET ME CHECK IT OUT >AND hey my friend (new friend) I am so glad that I did . JUST love it here. WIll be a regular. I signed on up to follow. Stop on by The Rusty Pearl if ever you have a chance. WOULD love it . HUGS and love your BLOG

  8. Awe! I love the little Christmas hat! So adorable!

  9. What fun stuff you've found! I think it's pretty safe to say we are all looking forward to some adorable pictures girl!!

  10. Nice work and very helpful information about the newborn photo props it's so nice.
    newborn photo props


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