
Monday, April 28, 2014

Diaper Cake

I know a few ladies having babies soon. The boys recently finished with size 1 diapers, and I had a few remaining, and so I used them to makes three diaper cakes.

I cut apart a box from an Amazon delivery and wrapped it with some wrapping paper that I had from Christmas. It was blue, and so it fit the bill for an It's a Boy diaper cake. 
I rolled the diapers individually and wrapped them with rubber band. Then took a larger rubber bad and surrounded a bunch of them together.  Then I placed a smaller piece of wrapped cardboard on top and added a smaller grouping of diapers.

I covered up the rubber bands with some ribbon and added some forks and spoons around the bottom. Then topped off the cake with some blue Easter grass and a Wubbanub monkey pacifier.

The other cakes were topped off with a stuffed monkey and a set of teething keys. They are one of my boys favorite toys, and so I thought the new little guys would like them too.


  1. So cute! I have received a couple of these over the years and they truly are appreciated. I've yet to make one though, I always plan to then never get around to it.

  2. This is one of the CUTEST diaper cake's I've seen!

  3. How adorable. And, I love that you were able to use the diapers the boys had outgrown. What a great way to give a practical gift.

  4. Ha, good to know how is done! Now I'm going to be able to give these cuties as presents. Thanks Megan!


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