
Monday, June 9, 2014

Patriotic Wreath

I had pinned a beautiful Halloween wreath from The Crafted Sparrow a few months ago, and really wanted to create something similar for a wreath for all the Patriotic summer holidays.

I purchased some burlap with red,blue and silver accents from Michaels, a straw wreath form, colored felt and some mini pinwheels. I used a paper star I already had and some pins to attach the pieces of the wreath together.

I wrapped the straw wreath form in the plastic it came wrapped in, and that helps it not fall apart.  I then followed the instructions from the The Crafted Sparrow to add the felt pieces. Here was my pile of them after I cut them out. I was not too worried about the them being the same perfect shape. I need to cut them out quickly.
 I then let Wynn decorate a paper star for me to add. She decided to draw the blue and red lines around the edges. I thought it looked very good for a four year old. Then I took a part a pinwheel from the stick it came with and put it in with a pin.

Thanks for stopping by today!  Enjoy your week.


  1. How sweet that Wynn helped create this wreath. That makes it even more special. Beautifully done.

  2. Adorable wreath. I wish I had the creativity and made the time to do a different wreath for various times of the year and holidays. I'm lucky that I actually made one. I'd be thrilled if you'd link up at this week's Off the Hook!

  3. It turned out so cute! I always plan to make wreaths for holidays, but never get around to it.

  4. That came out so beautiful, Still have a wreath on my to do day!

  5. Oh that is one great wreath! I love the design of the felt stunning! Wynn's help makes it even more special! Nice job Megan!

  6. I love making wreathes and your's looks awesome! I love the little felt pieces. They look like flames to me! :)
    ~ Ashley

  7. So cute! and how neat are Wynn's designs! She did a good job, love the wreath!

  8. Such a stunning wreath! I love the design that Wynn contributed too!
    Featuring you on Project Inspire{d} tonight. Thanks so much for sharing this!


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