
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Much Needed Storage Project

This post is not about anything spectacular. However, I do love to be organized, so I may feel that this is spectacular after all. Rob is a PE teacher, and with that comes sneakers galore. These sneakers once inside our home are picked up by our labrador retriever and placed in various rooms in the house. We really must train Lance to place them in pairs rather than scattering the shoes without their partners.

We have a little space at the bottom of our steps in the garage that I thought would be a great drop off area. Rob used some scrap wood to build this shoe organizer and shelving unit.  It is now home to his shoes, and believe me this actually is not all of them. I think the man may have more shoes than me when it is all said and done.  Obviously I am nothing like Amy from While Wearing Heels. :)

He used some beadboard to line the back of the organizer. He also left some open shelves to fit either his snow boots in the winter.  Right now it is the place to store the balls that seems to not be able to find a place to call home other than the garage floor.  I picked up a metal basket from Target on clearance for $4, and figured I could use it for various things I want to drop in along the way.

All together it would have cost roughly $40 in wood to create this without our scrap wood pile. A lot more cost effective and larger than the comparitively priced organizers I have seen out there.  Another bonus is the available premade shoe organizers never seemed to fit the shoes that Rob had anyways. This one was built to fit his shoes perfectly.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. That's fantastic and using scrap awesome! Even for $40 it is a total bargain. Never mind the dog, my kids scatter shoes around and never in pairs :)

  2. My garage is always full of shoes, my kids take them off before entering the house and there they stay for-e-ver! Long time ago I bought one of those shoe organizers but yeah, they didn't fit well in there. Great project! I love the dado cuts he used to make it stronger ;) One more project that goes on the to do list.

  3. Bahaha! Thanks for the shout out :)

    This turned out great. I wish we had an attached garage, I would be doing this for sure. And, if you ever do train Lance how to drop the shoes in pairs, you'll have to share :)

  4. I'm all for more great storage! Would your dog like to get together with my dog, who has some weird kind of sock fetish and drags them around the house??? LOL!


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