
Monday, August 11, 2014

Privacy for the Princess

Did you know that we have royalty living in our home? I did not realize this myself until my four year old proclaimed that she was in fact a princess. She also stated that all princesses need "confidence". I told her that it was a pretty big word for her to use. She said it means that she gets to shut her door and not let any one in her room. I let her know that the word she was searching for was privacy. She then instructed me to make her a sign for her door that told everyone she needed privacy. I got right on it, because I figured that since she is royalty she must be in charge. :)  I think the realization that she may be royalty probably all started when I purchased this "Sleeping Beauty" mirror for her from the tag sale at Elizabeth & Co.  

 I took a wood shape from Michaels and painted it with some purple craft paint.
 I used two images from the Silhouette online store and some letters on the software already to cut out on pink vinyl.  Then we hung it on her door as soon as everything was dry and ready to go.

I sure hope Ty and Davis learn to read quickly. She has been pointing it out to them quite often.  


  1. Thats so cute both the story and the adorable plaque. My princess would like privacy but sadly she is sharing with her brother. Love the mirror too gorgeous.

  2. That is adorable. I hope she gets her privacy because something tells me that she already has confidence :)

  3. How cute! Sounds like she has plenty of confidence too!

  4. Oh how wonderful! I suspected she might be a secret princess just waiting to take charge! LOL! Your sign is perfect for letting everyone know they are in the presence of royalty.

  5. Oh, little princesses always want privacy! :) It reminds me of when my daughter was a little princess, I had to divide the family room so baby brother didn't mess with her stuff! Her room of course was always closed. Love the mirror and the sign!

  6. This is so adorable. Any princess would love it!

  7. love this our little lady has always been called the princess and she is now gonna be 6 going on 13 this would be perfect for her as she enters the world of secrets and girls
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