
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Life's Better Together - Egg Hunt

Disclosure: I was compensated by Evite for my time in developing this post.  All opinions are my own.

One of my favorite activities to welcome spring with the kids and their friends is to host an Easter Egg Hunt. The best way to get the word out to our friends and family is to use Evite.  I feel like I've been using Evite for over a decade now. I found a super cute Easter Egg Hunt invitation on their site, and there were so many to choose from. All of the spring seasonal options are located here.  They offer both free and premium invitations on their site that allow you to customize to your liking with photos and design options. This is the adorable Evite that I chose.  I liked this one with the fun colors and egg design.

I ordered some plastic eggs and non-food treats to fill them with from Oriental Trading. It only took one episode of House of Cards to get them all filled up. I planned one easy craft for all ages, and a hunt for a fun filled afternoon.

Yesterday, we experienced snow all day. Can you believe it? The day before the official start of Spring. The egg hunt and all the festivities were moved to the inside of our house.  Thankfully, the kids did not seem to mind at all.

My friends are seriously top notch with the day and time change everyone pitched in and brought treats, appetizers, drinks and even flowers. It was so much fun. The kids were all well behaved and the adults all enjoyed themselves. The time change made us even feel as if we could keep going on with the party, but we all parted ways to ensure bedtimes went smoothly. There were thirteen kids in all in attendance and we all could not be happier with how they all interacted so well considering the average age was three.

My friend, Stacy, made this adorable carrot goldfish treat for all the kids to take home as a favor.

She also served up these adorable peep and fruit kabobs, which were a hit with my kiddos especially.

I mainly spent time dressing up the table for the kids to eat, craft or play at while they were here.  I purchased some items such as the banner, paper flowers hung from the ceiling, small paper eggs (actually they are utensil holders) and the plastic peep bunny from Target. The rest were decorations I already had on hand.

Wynn helped to decorate the table and hide the eggs throughout the house.

We even met the self proclaimed King and Queen of the egg hunt. 
The very simple craft I made available, was paper plate bunny. I simply cut out the inside portion of the plate. Keep that because you can cut it in half and make the two ears. Then fold back and forth black construction paper that has been cut into strips. Color the ears with a pink crayon or maker. Then tape it all together, and that way you do not have to wait for glue to dry and a mess is avoided.  Here is my sweet boy modeling the one we made together. 

Even with the snow changing up our plans we all had a great time because we were together, which does not happen very often. We definitely hope to make this an annual even at our house. Thanks to Evite for making it easy to get invitations out quickly and making it easy for all of our busy families to RSVP as well. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Fun Spring Ideas

Hey all! Sorry we have been off the grid for a bit. This winter hit all of us pretty hard with illnesses, and with basketball coaching for Rob there did not leave much time for pretty much anything.  Hopefully with spring just around the corner we will be able to share some fun projects with you.  In honor of spring and Easter I thought I would share some of my favorite crafts and kid project ideas with you.

Last year instead of an Easter basket for Wynn I put together an Easter suitcase. She loved it, and she was able to stow all of her goodies in the suitcase when we hit the road home from my parents house.

These Target buckets were easily transformed into PBK Knock Offs with vinyl lettering. I used my Silhouette Machine, but you can purchase pre-cut lettering at a craft store.

Another popular post for us is the Easter Gift in a Jar idea with a simple Play-Doh container and cutters in animal shapes.  

One of my favorite wreaths I've made that is super simple is this Spring Wreath.  Check out the details in the link.  

A sweet little spring mantel that I showcased my parents antique printing drawer.

And last but not least....a super cute spring gift idea that works for anyone. This particular one went to Wynn's preschool teacher one year.  This year I sent in a simple potted clover plant that covered St. Patrick's Day and spring all in one.  

Thanks so much for stopping by! Here is hoping we see lots of lovely weather soon.