Happy New Year everyone! I'm so excited to be back sharing a post with you all. I have a few projects we have done around the house that I hope to share with you soon, but first I thought I would start the new year off with a bang and offer a gift to you. I was recently introduced to a wonderful site called Epic!. Epic! is a an amazing electronic library of childrens books that are available through a monthly subscription. The age range for this library is from 0-12 years old, and the titles are in so many categories it is hard to name them all.
I have information below on how to obtain a free two month trial for your children or even grandchildren perhaps. Each account allows up to four profiles, which is perfect for my family of four children. Although, at this point I am not sure Rory can utilize an electronic device. So, I made an account for myself and the older three children. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed checking out the variety of books to choose from.
When you login you are asked to share your reading age and the types of genres you enjoy reading. Then you are given books in those areas to choose from on the main screen. You can always go through the library it self and find something specific if you would like to explore any additional categories or genres. Even Rory enjoyed checking out titles for the littlest reader...or listener in this case.

You can also save books in your favorites section in order to find them more easily the next time you log onto your profile. Simply by pressing the "heart" button on the title page of each book. After you read a book you are also given the opportunity to rate the book as well.
Epic! also has a large library of audio books and read-to-me books, which are perfect for all ages. These type of books allow my three oldest to read together, while I put Rory down for a nap. I love that this gives them something to do with one another. You can even use this on multiple devices, and so this may eliminate the need to share a favorite book as everyone can read it at the same time through Epic!.
As you read books in the library you can earn Badges to such as "Beginner Book Worm", "Epic Reader" and so many more. These badges are located on individual profiles, and there are even monthly challenges issued to members such as read 100 books in the month of January. And a printable certificate available once a challenge is met.

In order to start your free two month subscription follow these simple steps:
1. Go to Get Epic!
2. Create your account.
3. Enter EPICPINTERESTING as the promo code.
This promo code will be active for three days from today, and so you need to make sure you take advantage of this promo code quickly. I would love for you to have the opportunity to explore this amazing library with your family and friends.
Thank you for checking out this great opportunity today. Please let me know in the comments below when you sign up! I would love to hear how you feel about Epic! Have a great day!
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